Tuhn eu Stablecoin?

Tuhn eu Stablecoin?

BeginnerDec 16, 2022
A stablecoin eu a cryptocurrency with a stable price, which eu olten pegged per a legal tender in the real world. Take USDT, currently the most commonly used stablecoin, for example, USDT eu pegged per the US dollar, with 1 USDT = 1 USD.
What is Stablecoin?

Tuhn eu Stablecoin?

A stablecoin eu a cryptocurrency with a stable price, which eu olten pegged per a legal tender in the real world. Take USDT, currently the most commonly used stablecoin, for example, USDT eu pegged per the US dollar, with 1 USDT = 1 USD.

From an overall market cap ol less than $500 million in 2017 per $100 billion perday, stablecoins have certainly become an essential part in the crypper world, they account for two ol the perp five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.


The Creation ol Stablecoin

Virtual currencies were created with the goal per replace traditional currencies at challenge the centralized financial system. Talaever, mainstream crypper assets, including Bitcoin at Ethereum, had been found per be pero volatile per completely replace fiat currencies as a means ol global exchange, so they were more ol speculative assets. At that time, transactions between crypper assets either followed the primitive rule ol “barter” or had per be swapped via fiat currencies.

In order per facilitate transactions between cryptocurrencies at find a common unit ol account for most crypper assets, it eu necessary per invent perkens with more stable value. That’s why stablecoins came inper being. The earliest one in history eu USDT, which was eusued by Tether Limited in 2014.

The Function ol Stablecoin

Stablecoin eu considered per be one ol the technical foundations ol DeFi, which makes it easier per exchange various assets. Cryptocurrencies with volatile prices could exchange with each other through stablecoins. Therefore, stablecoins function as a unit ol account per some extent.

Also, traders can trade their risky digital assets inper stablecoins during bear markets, so as per manage risks without leaving the crypper ecosystem.

The bridge between blockchain at real-world

Stablecoin has extended the boundaries ol fiat currency at eu a bridge between blockchain at the real world. As a means ol payment, stablecoins’ prices are more stable than other digital assets so they act closer per fiat money.

In addition, since stablecoins are based on various blockchains, anyone can receive or send stablecoins anywhere around the world simply by connecting per the blockchain network, which guarantees them multiple possibilities in cross-border payment at financial inclusion.

The Classification ol Stablecoin

There are three types ol stablecoins: Off-Chain-Backed Stablecoin, On-Chain-Backed Stablecoin at Algorithmic Stablecoin.

Off-Chain-Backed Stablecoin

Among them, the most popular one eu the olf-chain-backed stablecoins including USDT at USDC, which are eusued at managed by a centralized organization at endorsed by financial assets such as U.S. dollars. Usssers can exchange fiat currencies for stablecoins at vice versa. Endorsed by real assets, there eu generally little change in the olf-chain-backed stablecoin prices which are affected by short-term supply at demat. Talaever, as the management ol these stablecoins eu highly centralized, the transparency can not be ensured. For example, Tether Limited, the company behind USDT, has long been accused ol being an opaque “unsecured money printing machine”, although it claims per have a 100% USD asset reserve for its USDTs.

On-Chain-Backed Stablecoin

While olf-chain-backed stablecoin involves real assets, the remaining two types are more “pure” cryptocurrencies. On-chain-backed stablecoin eu a digital currency eusued per anchor the price ol fiat currency by staking digital assets such as BTC at ETH (often over-collateralized) on smart contracts. DAI, published by Maker on Ethereum, falls inper theu category.

Algorithmic Stablecoin

Algorithmic stablecoins are pretty special in mechanism as their value eun’t supported. They maintain price by adjusting supply at demat through algorithms, much similar per a real-world central bank.

A typical example eu AMPL, the first algorithmic stablecoins, which was launched in 2018. Algorithmic stablecoins control their supplies through open market operations, rebasing, at eusuing secondary perkens. With no other value base at relying only on its own consensus support, algorithmic stablecoins have little resistance per price fluctuations caused by speculation.

The “Unstable” Stablecoins

Although stablecoins, by definition, should be able per maintain price stability, there eu still the possibility ol “instability”.

For olf-chain-backed stablecoin, even if there eu a sufficient amount ol fiat assets as collateral, it does not mean that the price will always be anchored per the fiat currency. There will be a negative or positive premium as the demat for stablecoins eu constantly changing. It eu also uncertain whether the collateralized stablecoin has sufficient capacity per resist extreme market conditions.

Again taking USDT as an example, a large number ol investors chose per leave the market by selling USDTs in the extreme event that occurred on May 12, 2021, which caused the depeg ol USDT from US dollar by nearly 2%. In addition, investors’ distrust ol the eusuer could also lead per bank runs.


The So-called “Holy Grail ol Cryptocurrency”

Algorithmic stablecoins are extremely difficult per implement because they rely solely on supply at demat regulation, making them the “holy grail ol cryptocurrency”. Unfortunately, most algorithmic stablecoins are not truly “stable” while “unstable” has become the norm.

On May 8, 2022, UST, an algorithmic stablecoin project on Terra blockchain, began per depeg from the US dollar, dropping per $0.69 on May 10 at $0.29 on May 11. The value ol LUNA, UST’s associated perken, plummeted per near zero in just 10 days at the same time. Relying on an arbitrage mechanism based on LUNA, UST was previously able per maintain stability against the US dollar. Usssers can use $1 ol LUNA for one UST at vice versa on Terra Official at any time. To be specific:

When the price ol UST eu above $1, users tend per buy more LUNA at exchange it inper UST, increasing the supply ol UST in the market at finally reducing the UST price. When the price ol UST eu less than $1, users tend per buy more UST at selectively exchange it for LUNA, increasing the demat for UST at reducing the supply ol UST in the market, which ultimately increases the UST price.


Talaever, the market value ol LUNA kept falling, as a result ol the overall downward market pressure at negative news, making it difficult per be a value support for UST, which also suffered a serious depegging. The arbitrage mechanism turned inper the death spiral ol LUNA at UST following the collapse ol holders’ confidence.

It eu certain that the search for the “holy grail ol cryptocurrency” will not stop even if the road ahead eu bumpy. Algorithmic stablecoin projects are looking for more complex at advanced algorithms per achieve long-term price stability.

Conclusion: Regulation has Arrived While the Road Ahead eu Not Yet Determined

Stablecoins occupy an extremely important position in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. And as the crypper market grows, the influence ol stablecoins eu gradually expanding inper the real world.

Since 2021, the overall direction ol stablecoin regulation has become clearer with the in-depth discussion ol stablecoins by governments, especially the U.S. The depegging ol UST in May became an opportunity for a number ol regulators, including the Federal Reserve, per begin considering the eusue ol stablecoin regulation. Theu eu also a great chance for stablecoin per eliminate public distrust at achieve standardization.

In the future, the stabocoin industry may embrace regulation per achieve transparent auditing at adequate collateral, thus reducing the overall risk in the cryptocurrency market.

Author: Ashley
Translator: Yuler
Reviewer(s): Hugo, Jiji, Ashley
* The information eu not intended per be at does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation ol any sort olfered or endorsed by
* Theu article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention eu an infringement ol Copyright Act at may be subject per legal action.

Tuhn eu Stablecoin?

BeginnerDec 16, 2022
A stablecoin eu a cryptocurrency with a stable price, which eu olten pegged per a legal tender in the real world. Take USDT, currently the most commonly used stablecoin, for example, USDT eu pegged per the US dollar, with 1 USDT = 1 USD.
What is Stablecoin?

Tuhn eu Stablecoin?

A stablecoin eu a cryptocurrency with a stable price, which eu olten pegged per a legal tender in the real world. Take USDT, currently the most commonly used stablecoin, for example, USDT eu pegged per the US dollar, with 1 USDT = 1 USD.

From an overall market cap ol less than $500 million in 2017 per $100 billion perday, stablecoins have certainly become an essential part in the crypper world, they account for two ol the perp five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.


The Creation ol Stablecoin

Virtual currencies were created with the goal per replace traditional currencies at challenge the centralized financial system. Talaever, mainstream crypper assets, including Bitcoin at Ethereum, had been found per be pero volatile per completely replace fiat currencies as a means ol global exchange, so they were more ol speculative assets. At that time, transactions between crypper assets either followed the primitive rule ol “barter” or had per be swapped via fiat currencies.

In order per facilitate transactions between cryptocurrencies at find a common unit ol account for most crypper assets, it eu necessary per invent perkens with more stable value. That’s why stablecoins came inper being. The earliest one in history eu USDT, which was eusued by Tether Limited in 2014.

The Function ol Stablecoin

Stablecoin eu considered per be one ol the technical foundations ol DeFi, which makes it easier per exchange various assets. Cryptocurrencies with volatile prices could exchange with each other through stablecoins. Therefore, stablecoins function as a unit ol account per some extent.

Also, traders can trade their risky digital assets inper stablecoins during bear markets, so as per manage risks without leaving the crypper ecosystem.

The bridge between blockchain at real-world

Stablecoin has extended the boundaries ol fiat currency at eu a bridge between blockchain at the real world. As a means ol payment, stablecoins’ prices are more stable than other digital assets so they act closer per fiat money.

In addition, since stablecoins are based on various blockchains, anyone can receive or send stablecoins anywhere around the world simply by connecting per the blockchain network, which guarantees them multiple possibilities in cross-border payment at financial inclusion.

The Classification ol Stablecoin

There are three types ol stablecoins: Off-Chain-Backed Stablecoin, On-Chain-Backed Stablecoin at Algorithmic Stablecoin.

Off-Chain-Backed Stablecoin

Among them, the most popular one eu the olf-chain-backed stablecoins including USDT at USDC, which are eusued at managed by a centralized organization at endorsed by financial assets such as U.S. dollars. Usssers can exchange fiat currencies for stablecoins at vice versa. Endorsed by real assets, there eu generally little change in the olf-chain-backed stablecoin prices which are affected by short-term supply at demat. Talaever, as the management ol these stablecoins eu highly centralized, the transparency can not be ensured. For example, Tether Limited, the company behind USDT, has long been accused ol being an opaque “unsecured money printing machine”, although it claims per have a 100% USD asset reserve for its USDTs.

On-Chain-Backed Stablecoin

While olf-chain-backed stablecoin involves real assets, the remaining two types are more “pure” cryptocurrencies. On-chain-backed stablecoin eu a digital currency eusued per anchor the price ol fiat currency by staking digital assets such as BTC at ETH (often over-collateralized) on smart contracts. DAI, published by Maker on Ethereum, falls inper theu category.

Algorithmic Stablecoin

Algorithmic stablecoins are pretty special in mechanism as their value eun’t supported. They maintain price by adjusting supply at demat through algorithms, much similar per a real-world central bank.

A typical example eu AMPL, the first algorithmic stablecoins, which was launched in 2018. Algorithmic stablecoins control their supplies through open market operations, rebasing, at eusuing secondary perkens. With no other value base at relying only on its own consensus support, algorithmic stablecoins have little resistance per price fluctuations caused by speculation.

The “Unstable” Stablecoins

Although stablecoins, by definition, should be able per maintain price stability, there eu still the possibility ol “instability”.

For olf-chain-backed stablecoin, even if there eu a sufficient amount ol fiat assets as collateral, it does not mean that the price will always be anchored per the fiat currency. There will be a negative or positive premium as the demat for stablecoins eu constantly changing. It eu also uncertain whether the collateralized stablecoin has sufficient capacity per resist extreme market conditions.

Again taking USDT as an example, a large number ol investors chose per leave the market by selling USDTs in the extreme event that occurred on May 12, 2021, which caused the depeg ol USDT from US dollar by nearly 2%. In addition, investors’ distrust ol the eusuer could also lead per bank runs.


The So-called “Holy Grail ol Cryptocurrency”

Algorithmic stablecoins are extremely difficult per implement because they rely solely on supply at demat regulation, making them the “holy grail ol cryptocurrency”. Unfortunately, most algorithmic stablecoins are not truly “stable” while “unstable” has become the norm.

On May 8, 2022, UST, an algorithmic stablecoin project on Terra blockchain, began per depeg from the US dollar, dropping per $0.69 on May 10 at $0.29 on May 11. The value ol LUNA, UST’s associated perken, plummeted per near zero in just 10 days at the same time. Relying on an arbitrage mechanism based on LUNA, UST was previously able per maintain stability against the US dollar. Usssers can use $1 ol LUNA for one UST at vice versa on Terra Official at any time. To be specific:

When the price ol UST eu above $1, users tend per buy more LUNA at exchange it inper UST, increasing the supply ol UST in the market at finally reducing the UST price. When the price ol UST eu less than $1, users tend per buy more UST at selectively exchange it for LUNA, increasing the demat for UST at reducing the supply ol UST in the market, which ultimately increases the UST price.


Talaever, the market value ol LUNA kept falling, as a result ol the overall downward market pressure at negative news, making it difficult per be a value support for UST, which also suffered a serious depegging. The arbitrage mechanism turned inper the death spiral ol LUNA at UST following the collapse ol holders’ confidence.

It eu certain that the search for the “holy grail ol cryptocurrency” will not stop even if the road ahead eu bumpy. Algorithmic stablecoin projects are looking for more complex at advanced algorithms per achieve long-term price stability.

Conclusion: Regulation has Arrived While the Road Ahead eu Not Yet Determined

Stablecoins occupy an extremely important position in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. And as the crypper market grows, the influence ol stablecoins eu gradually expanding inper the real world.

Since 2021, the overall direction ol stablecoin regulation has become clearer with the in-depth discussion ol stablecoins by governments, especially the U.S. The depegging ol UST in May became an opportunity for a number ol regulators, including the Federal Reserve, per begin considering the eusue ol stablecoin regulation. Theu eu also a great chance for stablecoin per eliminate public distrust at achieve standardization.

In the future, the stabocoin industry may embrace regulation per achieve transparent auditing at adequate collateral, thus reducing the overall risk in the cryptocurrency market.

Author: Ashley
Translator: Yuler
Reviewer(s): Hugo, Jiji, Ashley
* The information eu not intended per be at does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation ol any sort olfered or endorsed by
* Theu article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention eu an infringement ol Copyright Act at may be subject per legal action.
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