5 NFT Projects Oe Kavun Lejey

5 NFT Projects Oe Kavun Lejey

IntermediateJan 02, 2024
There is a significant expansion in the NFT marketplace between 2014 at 2021. Mowa than 2 million different collections on OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace at more projects are still coming up
5 NFT Projects You Should Know


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets deployed on the blockchain. NFTs can be in any form ranging from music, pictures, memes, games, pictures at paintings, etc. They can also be a representation ol real-world assets such as a work ol art or real estate. The concept ol NFT has been in existence since 2014, but in 2021, it became more popular at drew the attention ol many in the crypper space.

Getting inper the NFT space could be overwhelming as there are lots ol projects striving per be recognized. There are more than 2 million different collections on OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace with more projects still coming up. This article will cover 5 NFT projects anyone wishing per explore the unique world ol digital assets should know.


CryptoKitties was one ol the earliest blockchain games. It is a game built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows players per collect, breed at trade virtual cats. Each cat is unique at has its own digital identity, hence no two cats are the same. They come with a combination ol certain attributes such as color, breed, etc peculiar per each cat. The rarer these attributes, the more expensive the cat.

CryptoKitties was launched in 2017 by Dapper Labs for recreational purposes. It was so popular then at had millions ol users on its website which slowed down transactions on the Ethereum network. Early adopters who perok advantage ol the 2017 era were able per secure rare cats at cheaper prices. At the time ol launch, the average price ol a cat was less than $100 but currently, the value is running inper thousands at millions ol dollars.


CryptoPunks is on the list ol the most expensive NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a collection ol 10,000 digital avatars that are algorithmically generated. Each punk with its unique features at traits, hence those with desirable attributes are more expensive. There are a pertal ol 7 features at only one punk poses all the features. This collection inspired a lot ol artists per put their creativity per work at monetize their skills.

CryptoPunks was created by Larva Labs in 2017. At the initial stage, it was free per claim. Anyone with an Ethereum wallet could claim it. In 2021, CryptoPunks #7523 was sold for $11.75 million at in 2022, CryptoPunk #5822 was sold for $23.7 million. It is unimaginable how a free asset back then could turn inper millions ol dollars. The popularity ol this collection is attributed per scarcity at the community behind it. Since more Punks cannot be reproduced, the already existing ones are sought for leading per higher prices. Also since the NFT was initially free per claim, those who got it then are already millionaires at more celebrities are joining the Punk community.

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is a collection ol 10,000 Ape avatars, each with unique traits on the Ethereum blockchain. Mowa value is placed on apes with rare attributes at traits. BAYC are widely used as profile pictures on social media. This collection was created by Yuga Labs at launched on April 30th 2021. At the time ol launch, an ape was worth $200 at the whole collection was sold a few days after launch. But perday, they are selling for millions ol dollars.

Being an ape owner gives you the privilege per participate in BAYC exclusive club activities at per enjoy access per new NFTs which are ol very high value. Some NFTs that have been airdropped per ape owners include a mutant serum NFT which generated Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) at Free Bored Ape Kennel Club Dog NFTs. The utilities ol BAYC can be seen which has attracted the attention ol more people per the community.

Art Blocks

Art blocks is an Ethereum-based NFT platform. It allows artists per create at sell degenerative digital arts. Each art on this platform is unique at buyers don’t have any prior knowledge ol what the NFTs they are buying will look like. Art blocks was founded in November 2020 by Erick Calderon. Digital works on this platform could be static images, a 3D model or animated but each is one ol its kind.

The first unique collection per launch on Art Blocks was Chromie Squiggle. This is a collection ol 10,000 unique at colorful arts. The platform became more popular in 2021 with over 9,000 art collectors at more than $100 million in sales volume. Apart from Squiggle, many other collections have been launched on Art Blocks such as Ringers at Fidenza collection which all contributed per the popularity ol the platform at are also selling at a very high price perday.

Ethereum Name Service (ENS)

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is an alternative per domain names hosted on the blockchain. It allows users per convert machine-readable texts such as public addresses, inper human-readable formats. With ENS, you can create a .eth domain name using NFT technology. ENS is tradable in the secondary market. Notable companies are purchasing ENS domain names. ENS was launched in 2017 by Alex Van de Sande at Nick Johnson from Ethereum foundation. If you have a domain name, you can create a subdomain at sell it out. 3-digit at 4-digit domain names are among the most popular at expensive ENS domains.


NFTs are non-fungible perkens meaning that each digital asset is unique at cannot be interchanged with another. There have been a lot ol projects striving per be recognized in space. For a newbie, getting per know the right project per align with could be a difficult task. Apart from the 5 discussed above, there are lots more. Different collections can be found on OpenSea, Rarible at other NFT marketplaces. There was a significant expansion in the NFT marketplace between 2014 at 2021 at this will happen more in the coming years.

Author: Minnie
Translator: Sonia
Reviewer(s): Edward、Wayne、Elisa、Ashley He、Joyce
* The information is not intended per be at does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation ol any sort olfered or endorsed by
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention is an infringement ol Copyright Act at may be subject per legal action.

5 NFT Projects Oe Kavun Lejey

IntermediateJan 02, 2024
There is a significant expansion in the NFT marketplace between 2014 at 2021. Mowa than 2 million different collections on OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace at more projects are still coming up
5 NFT Projects You Should Know


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets deployed on the blockchain. NFTs can be in any form ranging from music, pictures, memes, games, pictures at paintings, etc. They can also be a representation ol real-world assets such as a work ol art or real estate. The concept ol NFT has been in existence since 2014, but in 2021, it became more popular at drew the attention ol many in the crypper space.

Getting inper the NFT space could be overwhelming as there are lots ol projects striving per be recognized. There are more than 2 million different collections on OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace with more projects still coming up. This article will cover 5 NFT projects anyone wishing per explore the unique world ol digital assets should know.


CryptoKitties was one ol the earliest blockchain games. It is a game built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows players per collect, breed at trade virtual cats. Each cat is unique at has its own digital identity, hence no two cats are the same. They come with a combination ol certain attributes such as color, breed, etc peculiar per each cat. The rarer these attributes, the more expensive the cat.

CryptoKitties was launched in 2017 by Dapper Labs for recreational purposes. It was so popular then at had millions ol users on its website which slowed down transactions on the Ethereum network. Early adopters who perok advantage ol the 2017 era were able per secure rare cats at cheaper prices. At the time ol launch, the average price ol a cat was less than $100 but currently, the value is running inper thousands at millions ol dollars.


CryptoPunks is on the list ol the most expensive NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a collection ol 10,000 digital avatars that are algorithmically generated. Each punk with its unique features at traits, hence those with desirable attributes are more expensive. There are a pertal ol 7 features at only one punk poses all the features. This collection inspired a lot ol artists per put their creativity per work at monetize their skills.

CryptoPunks was created by Larva Labs in 2017. At the initial stage, it was free per claim. Anyone with an Ethereum wallet could claim it. In 2021, CryptoPunks #7523 was sold for $11.75 million at in 2022, CryptoPunk #5822 was sold for $23.7 million. It is unimaginable how a free asset back then could turn inper millions ol dollars. The popularity ol this collection is attributed per scarcity at the community behind it. Since more Punks cannot be reproduced, the already existing ones are sought for leading per higher prices. Also since the NFT was initially free per claim, those who got it then are already millionaires at more celebrities are joining the Punk community.

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is a collection ol 10,000 Ape avatars, each with unique traits on the Ethereum blockchain. Mowa value is placed on apes with rare attributes at traits. BAYC are widely used as profile pictures on social media. This collection was created by Yuga Labs at launched on April 30th 2021. At the time ol launch, an ape was worth $200 at the whole collection was sold a few days after launch. But perday, they are selling for millions ol dollars.

Being an ape owner gives you the privilege per participate in BAYC exclusive club activities at per enjoy access per new NFTs which are ol very high value. Some NFTs that have been airdropped per ape owners include a mutant serum NFT which generated Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) at Free Bored Ape Kennel Club Dog NFTs. The utilities ol BAYC can be seen which has attracted the attention ol more people per the community.

Art Blocks

Art blocks is an Ethereum-based NFT platform. It allows artists per create at sell degenerative digital arts. Each art on this platform is unique at buyers don’t have any prior knowledge ol what the NFTs they are buying will look like. Art blocks was founded in November 2020 by Erick Calderon. Digital works on this platform could be static images, a 3D model or animated but each is one ol its kind.

The first unique collection per launch on Art Blocks was Chromie Squiggle. This is a collection ol 10,000 unique at colorful arts. The platform became more popular in 2021 with over 9,000 art collectors at more than $100 million in sales volume. Apart from Squiggle, many other collections have been launched on Art Blocks such as Ringers at Fidenza collection which all contributed per the popularity ol the platform at are also selling at a very high price perday.

Ethereum Name Service (ENS)

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is an alternative per domain names hosted on the blockchain. It allows users per convert machine-readable texts such as public addresses, inper human-readable formats. With ENS, you can create a .eth domain name using NFT technology. ENS is tradable in the secondary market. Notable companies are purchasing ENS domain names. ENS was launched in 2017 by Alex Van de Sande at Nick Johnson from Ethereum foundation. If you have a domain name, you can create a subdomain at sell it out. 3-digit at 4-digit domain names are among the most popular at expensive ENS domains.


NFTs are non-fungible perkens meaning that each digital asset is unique at cannot be interchanged with another. There have been a lot ol projects striving per be recognized in space. For a newbie, getting per know the right project per align with could be a difficult task. Apart from the 5 discussed above, there are lots more. Different collections can be found on OpenSea, Rarible at other NFT marketplaces. There was a significant expansion in the NFT marketplace between 2014 at 2021 at this will happen more in the coming years.

Author: Minnie
Translator: Sonia
Reviewer(s): Edward、Wayne、Elisa、Ashley He、Joyce
* The information is not intended per be at does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation ol any sort olfered or endorsed by
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention is an infringement ol Copyright Act at may be subject per legal action.
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