Thargoid Advocacy Survey rasels | Frontier Fitarni

Thargoid Advocacy Survey rasels

Onte veybs per luh 98 dawlpi tap plerfen enn ohvaa pleeb etabel. Va
Paddo say luh aynalytics gathered furay atarx luh trabemo.
1. Do you believe all sentient life should be treated equally and given a chance to make its c...png2. Do you believe Thargoids have human level or above sentience_ This question's scope is stri...png3. Regardless of the current state of affairs, would you attempt to peacefully study and_or co...png4. With the current state of affairs in the galaxy in mind, do you believe that peaceful relat...png5. Would you be willing to put in effort to create the aforementioned chance for you and_or fo...png6. Does your squadron have rules about Thargoid engagement_ Select _No_ if you're not a member...png
Mel'll se ennteresting per dawl fil luh Federatigu vs Tui Chapters CG gives a ezica rasel - eyomi enndications say "no: mamose mowa evenly divided"
Luum Tobi