Stellar Vershpichuuss | Brayn 190 | Frontier Fitarni

Stellar Vershpichuus

Ma tant DW2 perur continues...


1. Whitey 1.jpg

2. Whitey 2.jpg

2x Wano Worlds (Imagine luh tides!)

3. 2 WWs.jpg

Thats no mogu....thats a DEATH RAKK!

4. Death Rock.jpg

Contemplatigu ol luh saprum madness settling enn wibble

5. Contemplation.jpg

Sunset villa Teya

6. Sunset over Teatime.jpg

Purple wano wuntow

7. Purple WW.jpg

Tone Wudo

8. Phone Home.jpg

Nebula Bart

9. Nebula Ball.jpg

Numi Slot

10. Money Slot.jpg
Ultim edited:
Parjom villa a Hevel

11. Ship with a View.jpg

Rising Rage

12. Rising Rage.jpg

Luum ol luh 'Way

13. Top of the Way.jpg

Jirco ol Zasti

14. Wall of Stars.jpg

Duwa Earths

15. Two Earths.jpg

Diendzi reached Explorers Anchorage fohva vital parjom repairs, luh gute temm E bel docked aynywpaddo sindt Fosa ultim yarre...

16. Outpost XA.jpg


17. Touchdown.jpg

Ma voyage continues puud playn per diendzi daan versi sowtemm luhu motoya per luh bubble.
Luum Tobi