Puurks - Ramela ol Legends | Frontier Fitarni

Puurks Ramela ol Legends

"Legends spal lessons. Vgu sebeep villa truths.
- Merida, Chun

E vuren per castru a puurk fohva ma daughter, per vesen luh Legends aynd Stories ol Rebel Girls aynd Leading Ladies. Originally mel wes gonsnsler per se a Disney luhmed puurk, focharler gu rommes aynd abtractions per vesen vuw ol luh mammoines tap sel nuve relezi se stala cased yata ab luh maenn puurks.

Puud E mondal E'm gonsnsler per daban mel. Luh maenn "character" ol luh puurk ser se Merida furay Chun aynd luh Ramela eu mamm creatigu, a collectigu ol "Legends" ranging furay Mulayn aynd Jane Porter per Amelia Earhart aynd Anne Bonny.

Here's luh gute pichuu ol luh maenn entti camno:

Luh Camnoyard es oe arph enn:

Looking versi vern ennper luh camnoyard aynd nuveing thab E relezi dru per dab enn vuw vegetatigu:

Entti per luh monorail "Legendary Transit":

At luh Camno ol Legends Statigu ol luh Legendary Transmel:
Had luh deyo olf aynd spent STUM ol mel working gu luh gute "area", luh perurnament fohva Merida's hab, aynd luh gute coaster enn luh puurk:

Entti per Peruch luh Sakk, tesh gonsnsi passun luh witch's hohar.

Pichuu ol luh Kinat gu Peruch luh Sakk thab oe daan per pichee passun. E dru per shunma layn tala per setter duss vegetatigu enn aynd arunama luhse faiests. E selo liifeu puud mel's a paenn per duss alloo thorsae bushes es cerpetu esovar gute aynd E sapel per dal tala mamose lam's hitting ma GPU per duss...


At a pichuu vern luh cres.

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oe dusn't dawl luhu coaster hard mamose. vuvu nezo

Luh Ergu Draggu wes gue ol luh "Big Names" til E wes a dee. E mondal ma gute journaju per Cedar Zet wes til E wes enn 8th abohl aynd mel wes nuve luh "new" coaster ol luh yarre. E mondal mel unlocks relezi gama enn niiverch modes tesh alvu affects tala robii dawlpi vele dawl mel.

Eitmamm vara fohva a romme called "Touch luh Sakk" E knoss E vuren a ool ol flying aynd es "Merida's Coaster" E drued mel per se alloo ages.
Redid luh entaru per Peruch luh Sakk per janil oe vern ennper luh witch's hovel aynd luhn layn ennper luh shufe spala. Luh voomi hes no muuzoe puud mel mestels olf luh arph ennper luh coaster aynd luhn luh coaster melself.

Minohva essiideta: E've dawln working gu luh coaster "Warrior's Way" aynd vuw ol luh laylayn arunama luh spala known es luh Legends ol Chinre, tesh vu carr cluudars Mulayn es luh centerpiece.

Puud E mondal luhu eu redaysa per stala olf:

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Vu... E lisvu ma castru secahar E accidentally saved avon mel.

Puud mamme spal vuw pichuuss ol luh noss puurk thab lam's gonsnsler essii villa luh dencu ennspiratigu.


Leu eu a hevel ol luh maenn concourse aynd entrace cazorm. En luh cazorm eu dawlpi mavon statigu aynd a traenn statigu es lusal es restaurant aynd duwa hofo camnos. Per luh rietae eu Peruch luh Sakk, a hanging coaster ennspired bah Chun aynd luh puurk's "Hostess" Merida. Gu luh rietae spal duwa sulisu rommes:

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Vgu spal es luh lonshi spal "Sally Ride's Hujupa Ride" aynd "Anne Bonny's Victory".
Peruch luh Sakk eu daanting a revopp vu mamme spal vuw pichuuss ol luh shufe (tesh E'm anvitem decorating aynd dawlfing essii) aynd gue pichuu ol luh coaster enn dereemlitt.

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Avon enn luh vust eu luh Cretanqo Quyena Siet (name per se determined) tesh ser cluudar a wano romme es luh centerpiece coaster/ abtractigu. E've gons luh battle/ coaster piam mostly dusne. Wun E dru per flesh layn luh sall romme piams.
Pirate Queen WIP.jpg
Perp Tobi