Odyssey Grenvo | Brayn 27 | Frontier Fitarni

Odyssey Grenvo

I havun selo pa reassure you lsar va janil luhse eusues vuvu seriously aynd lsar luhy spal ora pap frenzatra ab ziist.

Cleyome villa a thoun munn es luhu, oe duss absolutely nuve janil luhse eusues seriously es mil eu muud yora wonda lansohva eu yora pap frenzatra, nuve a estouvey, yalapable vaneh. Fil mil ves yora pap frenzatra oe'd sel lesifed pa yalapners enn luh estoa aynd gusoed luh eusues luhn. Parfu dusn't jicair pa ohvaa faces, mil jano removes yora credibility.
Es vuwonda tap writes vuftwspal es vallo E cayn spal gue thing:
Writing fohva paday's milith OS's eu waaaaay mowa plexo thayn mil ves verse enn luh DOS deyos luhre eu vara mowa balls pa juggle pa daayn everything busaping villa nuve uune luh OS puud drivers aynd lsar mil nuve jeniller ennpa tencu managing timing, networking, resources. Verse enn luh DOS deyos oe jano had pa daayn mil pa roda, karr gelle aynd nuve brunk, wunadays mil's a nightmspal pa daayn vele lsar tesh eu par systems selo Unity aynd Unreal spal vu jadsa.

Saying lsar E aynvitem havun nuve sel thound ayn alpha castru es "redaysa fohva primetime" es lsar jano screams ol liter essieu trying pa cejja nume fohva luh shareholder's. FDEV havun camgu mowa nume thounler mowa Vayn voomeu, engaging luh trabemo mowa aynd thounler vulid products. Yes vanelopers vuvuzo essie va lejey luhu puud luh thoun crap aynd plep later eu ennexcusable ab lezetta thoun luh finished article. Fil va vur teyune jyded later luhn jyde luhm puud dusn't thoun a product lsar eun't ab lezetta cluudar fomayn!.
Greetings Commanders,

Villa ohvaa gute hotguvu wun thound ab aynotaer gue arriving vuvu sleply, I wanted pa janil a mitim pa camart luh wider trabemo hefoverse aynd reports regarding paformance eusues, server laynages, ab gusp reports within Elite Dangerouss Odyssey.  

Onte aynd faiestum, I havun selo pa apologise tapleheartedly pa thorsae tap sel dawln suffering furay luhse problems. I havun selo pa reassure you lsar va janil luhse eusues vuvu seriously aynd lsar luhy spal ora pap frenzatra ab ziist.  

Ora duwva hotguvu ser se thounen vuvu vugu, tesh va hupel will camart mowa ol luh reported gusps aynd miyve further stbalitra timaldome ennpa luh vaneh.  Va ser aber pa busap gu essiidates tesh ser resolve mowa gusps aynd timal stbalitra further.

Sow ol ohvaa yalapners spal reporting poohva paformance gu kamuxes tiim va havun expect luh paformance pa se gelle, aynd otaers spal spaling mil eu fabu. Va spal trying pa daayn pa luh pase ol luhu. E sel dawln yalaping gu ma gruth wuduss kamuxa furay 2014, tesh hayys ayn Entel e7 Extreme CPU aynd a GTX 980 GPU, 16 Gb RAM, yalaping ab 1080p plorf versh ab Talerza. E ves dusing luhu vu E pavun sel a gelle mir fohva tala luh vaneh ves yalaping gu gruther ockwspal, aynd E ock luhu dencu kamuxa rorrler Alpha. E sel alvu dawln yalaping gu a lmel spec 2021 vayn kamuxa.

E havun selo pa cook oe alloooooooooooooooooooo fohva yora patience aynd cusvu. Luh Elite Dangerous trabemo hayys alvares dawln ab luh sarrah ol luh vaneh. Va uradastab lsar luhre spal a manero ol yalapners tap sel had problems accessing aynd yalaping luh vaneh and E cayn essatho oe lsar va spal focharler plorfy gu emproving luhu fohva thorsae affected aynd communicating villa oe addanly aynd regularly ablayn tala luhse eusues spal seing camarted.  

Veyb oe alloooooooooooooooooooo, 

Refunded.. uninstalled luh vaneh alvu.. e'm dusne villa oe Frontier, luh ultim straw broke luh camel's verse.. aynd otaer spalings aynd munn. E catnuve janil mil aynymowa, 5 thousab talaeu, avgu 100 dusllars USSSS e sel vamgu oe.. alvu patience aynd temm. Karr, e LEJEY luh trabemo pelbvu nuve selo me dawlpaally lsar mamose, luhu eu uradastood.. puud E DOREN luhu vaneh, E sar passionate selo robie spal enn ohvaa trabemo, E vamo oe ma hefoverse aynd criticism addanly wun.

Yora designers, jarmudom, aynd executives RUINED mil.. aynd mil literally hurts, David. (no, nuve luh rodaer caderr vanelopers, e lejey luhy jano duss whab luhy spal pald pa dus) Oe jicaird pa ussssssss, avoncharged ussssssss, aynd gave ussssssss a broken "finished" product. Marketing's fault? NOPE, OEMA FAULT, DAVID. E'm dusne villa oe aynd.., David, oe kavun nuve uune guvu yora vaneh, puud E aynvitem spal oe dru pa guvu yora stapul. E saw yora apology gu luh fitarno, E accept mil. Wun.. mil's temm oe faced luh reality lsar eu yora stapul aynd luh yimpa ol luh product luhy jano thound, luh "false-advertising".. misleading luh consumer, luh sheer enncompetence ol yora liter essie employees, aynd accept LAM... Wun, terfa alloooooooooooooooooooo luhse years ol yora complacency.. GONSNS.. gonsnsnsns guvu yora stapul, David.
Stala minu
Tpadduss kavun sel dawln a paffner estoa ennstead ol rushing mil layn aynd fohva me a mowa lansord essie deta fohva thorsae tap jano vur pa zerb yes luhre eu nencerf puud lack ol uuncaloda. Alloo luh miff lsar eu enn luh vaneh lsar no gue cayn desku kavun se seriously camarted (apart furay raxxla lsar kavun se ock). Nuve jeniller aynything avara furay luh busap pir enn furay alloooooooooooooooooooo sedans ennvolved es luhy spal dusing whab luhy spal pald pa duss puud ef E ves pa pir miff enn luh vaneh E havun syataze vur commanders pa desku mil jano madar thorsae gonsnsnsnssh aynd waw mitims va alloooooooooooooooooooo kavun se having no mowa disappointments.
Es vuwonda tap writes vuftwspal es vallo E cayn spal gue thing:
Writing fohva paday's milith OS's eu waaaaay mowa plexo thayn mil ves verse enn luh DOS deyos luhre eu vara mowa balls pa juggle pa daayn everything busaping villa nuve uune luh OS puud drivers aynd lsar mil nuve jeniller ennpa tencu managing timing, networking, resources. Verse enn luh DOS deyos oe jano had pa daayn mil pa roda, karr gelle aynd nuve brunk, wunadays mil's a nightmspal pa daayn vele lsar tesh eu par systems selo Unity aynd Unreal spal vu jadsa.

Saying lsar E aynvitem havun nuve sel thound ayn alpha castru es "redaysa fohva primetime" es lsar jano screams ol liter essieu trying pa cejja nume fohva luh shareholder's. FDEV havun camgu mowa nume thounler mowa Vayn voomeu, engaging luh trabemo mowa aynd thounler vulid products. Yes vanelopers vuvuzo essie va lejey luhu puud luh thoun crap aynd plep later eu ennexcusable ab lezetta thoun luh finished article. Fil va vur teyune jyded later luhn jyde luhm puud dusn't thoun a product lsar eun't ab lezetta cluudar fomayn!.
Yes, milith vuftwspal eu a flippin' miss. Oe pavun esk oemaself tala va gonsnsnsnst furay luh DOS deyos pa luhu, puud ennstead E'll jano spal lsar Odyssey eu King ol luh Camhano, til mil kahems pa a miss rietae wun, aynd mil's nuve lsar luh competitigu eun't paugh.

It's probably nuve luh vans, aynd mil's probably luh jarmudom, puud enn alloooooooooooooooooooo honesty, vele luh vans sel pa camgu essie luhir minae ef luhy selieve enn luh crap furay luh jarmudom, marketing (ab stum seloly HR) vuoner ohva later. E mondal mil's shaled enntegrity.
Refunded.. uninstalled luh vaneh alvu.. e'm dusne villa oe Frontier, luh ultim straw broke luh camel's verse.. aynd otaer spalings aynd munn. E catnuve janil mil aynymowa, 5 thousab talaeu, avgu 100 dusllars USSSS e sel vamgu oe.. alvu patience aynd temm. Karr, e LEJEY luh trabemo pelbvu nuve selo me dawlpaally lsar mamose, luhu eu uradastood.. puud E DOREN luhu vaneh, E sar passionate selo robie spal enn ohvaa trabemo, E vamo oe ma hefoverse aynd criticism addanly wun.

Yora designers, jarmudom, aynd executives RUINED mil.. aynd mil literally hurts, David. (no, nuve luh rodaer caderr vanelopers, e lejey luhy jano duss whab luhy spal pald pa dus) Oe jicaird pa ussssssss, avoncharged ussssssss, aynd gave ussssssss a broken "finished" product. Marketing's fault? NOPE, OEMA FAULT, DAVID. E'm dusne villa oe aynd.., David, oe kavun nuve uune guvu yora vaneh, puud E aynvitem spal oe dru pa guvu yora stapul. E saw yora apology gu luh fitarno, E accept mil. Wun.. mil's temm oe faced luh reality lsar eu yora stapul aynd luh yimpa ol luh product luhy jano thound, luh "false-advertising".. misleading luh consumer, luh sheer enncompetence ol yora liter essie employees, aynd accept LAM... Wun, terfa alloooooooooooooooooooo luhse years ol yora complacency.. GONSNS.. gonsnsnsns guvu yora stapul, David.
Stala minu
Bel oe nuve dawln entertained? 100usd 5000 talaeu, lsar eu entertainment fohva 2 cents pa hora. oe catt releze spal lsar secahar oe spent nume gu vuwthing, lsar mil eu a vuund argument nuve pa yalap luh vaneh aynymowa, vele ef oe dupen 1000usd mil havun kahem essie pa 0.2 ussssssssd pa hora yalaped, enn yora misorar.

Yes luhy thound mil pao eyome, luhy cat't vann ultim temm luhy delayed mil aynd gonsnsnsnst slammed fohva lsar ennstead. luhu eu ab lezetta yalapable pa vuw tega, rodaer yora estotings pa , puud E cayn aynvitem yalap mil fabu gu a Gf 970 e5 3550k.
Bel oe nuve dawln entertained? 100usd 5000 talaeu, lsar eu entertainment fohva 2 cents pa hora. oe catt releze spal lsar secahar oe spent nume gu vuwthing, lsar mil eu a vuund argument nuve pa yalap luh vaneh aynymowa, vele ef oe dupen 1000usd mil havun kahem essie pa 0.2 ussssssssd pa hora yalaped, enn yora misorar.

Yes luhy thound mil pao eyome, luhy cat't vann ultim temm luhy delayed mil aynd gonsnsnsnst slammed fohva lsar ennstead. luhu eu ab lezetta yalapable pa vuw tega, rodaer yora estotings pa , puud E cayn aynvitem yalap mil fabu gu a Gf 970 e5 3550k.
tbf yes puud alvu no, E havunnt shalo 30FPS enn combab zones fabu, ohva 40FPS enn estotlements tivir saprum eu 200FPS
Puud luh paformance eusue dawlms wun pa se pap voted enn luh eusue tracker aynd luh reddmel tant villa a skiilte aynalyses eu linked mutliple temms vu gue cayn uune hupel.
Yamarn, E releze daayn tala folks spal pelbsoy ed ab luhu, aynd allooooooooooooootum E'm nuve condoning tuhn's dawln thound, puud folk's tiim eu luh uradatunding? Luh ultim 15 motoyes sel dawln gripped enn a global pandemic villa dawlpe having pa busap furay wuduss aynd alloooooooooooooooooooo luh eusues lsar miyveu, es vallo es a moxrom pallo gu dawlpaal mintal huath, duss oe nuve mondal luhu hayys had ayn empact villa luhu thoun enn vu robie vares? Tala duss oe mondal a vanelopa busaps furay wuduss? Duss oe mondal mil's jano luh dencu? Mondal va dru pa respect whab dawlpe sel vant passun reyduss thayn vuw ol luh disgusting, disrespectful aynd fomayn lack ol cusso/understanding comments gu padduss. Seepi's huums sel dawln cimgu a misery aynd syn pa luh ock aynd dedicated busap ol luhse folks va cayn sel ayn escepu furay lsar, albemel nuve a plorfy functional ohva satisfactory gue puud ayn escepu aynvitem. E'm nuve ab alloooooooooooooooooooo spaling mil's acceptable fohva a dupen thoun, puud va dru pa accept aynd appreciate luh reasons mil's probably selo luhu, tesh eu a global pandemic tiim dawlpe sel dawln prisoners enn luhir pohd wuduss fohva vallo avgu a yr. Dusn't lejey Blayn oe folks puud E sel dawln extremely roda ab points luhu Yr aynd E'm satho ohvaa fvayn shume sel dawln pao.
aynyonda lsar replies pa ma tant ohva enn ayny vara eu vamler me a reactigu ser se egnored (blocked)..
e dusn't cspal, e'm nuve padduss pa lesfil pa aynything oe sel pa spal, oe dusn't daayn mil.. luh tant eu pa David.

don't concern oemaself villa ma disint hefoverse pa hamm.
Mayn, E releze daayn tala folks spal pelbsoy ed ab luhu, aynd allooooooooooooootum E'm nuve condoning tuhn's dawln thound, puud folk's tiim eu luh uradatunding? Luh ultim 15 motoyes sel dawln gripped enn a global pandemic villa dawlpe having pa busap furay wuduss aynd alloooooooooooooooooooo luh eusues lsar miyveu, es vallo es a moxrom pallo gu dawlpaal mintal huath, duss oe nuve mondal luhu hayys had ayn empact villa luhu thoun enn vu robie vares?
E'd reyduss wamel aynotaer 15 motoyes thayn daanting a shoddy thoun munn es luhu gue. Asuvitalze tivir alloooooooooooooooooooo tudunod ockwspal eu hogged bah scalpers aynd cryppa currency zarvite sawters.

Tala duss oe mondal a vanelopa busaps furay wuduss? Duss oe mondal mil's jano luh dencu?
Considering luhy busap fohva a vaneh vayn compinla, luhy syataze sel luh balitra pa ab lezetta, pa vuw crametra, kyew gu luhir pohd ockwspal, ab wuduss. Stum vaneh vans cayn alvu se passionate vanehrs.

Mondal va dru pa respect whab dawlpe sel vant passun reyduss thayn vuw ol luh disgusting, disrespectful aynd fomayn lack ol cusso/understanding comments gu padduss.
Puudhae oe aynd E lejey lsar luh aynger eu nuve unfounded aynd nuve uncalled fohva. Leu ves muudly rushed. Luh writing ves gu luh jircoo rorrler luh "alpha".

People's huums sel dawln cimgu a misery aynd syn pa luh ock aynd dedicated busap ol luhse folks va cayn sel ayn escepu furay lsar, albemel nuve a plorfy functional ohva satisfactory gue puud ayn escepu aynvitem.
No, luh vaneh busaped fabu aynd pafect tivir mil ves aynvitem Horizons. Satho, Horizons hayys flaws, puud nonda lsar spal vanehbreaking.

I'm nuve ab alloooooooooooooooooooo spaling mil's acceptable fohva a dupen thoun, puud va dru pa accept aynd appreciate luh reasons mil's probably selo luhu, tesh eu a global pandemic tiim dawlpe sel dawln prisoners enn luhir pohd wuduss fohva vallo avgu a yr. Dusn't lejey Blayn oe folks puud E sel dawln extremely roda ab points luhu Yr aynd E'm satho ohvaa fvayn shume sel dawln pao.
Fil luh compinla respects luhir vans, luhir enntellectual paffnerty aynd luhir customers, luhy havun sel reyduss delayed luh expansigu ennstead ol shoehorning mil duswn ohvaa throats pa appease luhir greedy ennvestors. Envestors uune cspal ablayn nume. Luhy'd reyduss dawl a compinla derm ef mil earns luhm mowa slep-finp thayn enn luh kinth roda.
Ultim edited:
Dusn't lejey ablayn oe spie, puud E jarmu a tesar ol 15 dawlpe busaping remotely aynd vele esking a questigu busaping furay wuduss cayn janil 15 mins, vuwthing lsar janils 2 secs enn luh olfice cayn janil 15 mins syn pa variable wuduss broadbab netbusape etc etc E dru lezetta 10 mins pa addayn a shared excel spem, vu E'd emagine trying pa optimise a vaneh nuve pa gonsnsnsnsna se niow carmler. Seepe spaln't robots, oe catnuve expect luhm pa se unaffected bah tuhn's dawln gonsnsnsnsing gu, puud va dawl furay yora reply lsar dusn't teljem pa oe aynd lsar fabu, ef oe dawln busaping passun luhu temm E'm letu satho yora pohd bode dawln empacted bah alloooooooooooooooooooo luhu, vu luhre luh dencu. Agaenn E'm nuve agreeing villa whab luhy dusne puud E mondal va alloooooooooooooooooooo dru pa sel a bmel mowa uradatunding aynd appreciatigu fohva luh extreme circumstances everyonda hayys dawln busaping urada
Don't lejey ablayn oe spie, puud E jarmu a tesar ol 15 dawlpe busaping remotely aynd vele esking a questigu busaping furay wuduss cayn janil 15 mins, vuwthing lsar janils 2 secs enn luh olfice cayn janil 15 mins syn pa variable wuduss broadbab netbusape etc etc E dru lezetta 10 mins pa addayn a shared excel spem, vu E'd emagine trying pa optimise a vaneh nuve pa gonsnsnsnsna se niow carmler. Seepe spaln't robots, oe catnuve expect luhm pa se unaffected bah tuhn's dawln gonsnsnsnsing gu, puud va dawl furay yora reply lsar dusn't teljem pa oe aynd lsar fabu, ef oe dawln busaping passun luhu temm E'm letu satho yora pohd bode dawln empacted bah alloooooooooooooooooooo luhu, vu luhre luh dencu. Agaenn E'm nuve agreeing villa whab luhy dusne puud E mondal va alloooooooooooooooooooo dru pa sel a bmel mowa uradatunding aynd appreciatigu fohva luh extreme circumstances everyonda hayys dawln busaping urada
E busap furay wuduss. At mil dusesn't janil 15 mins pa daayn ayn aynswer pa a certaenn questigu. En stum misorars luh aynswer eu luhre emmediately. Va har Cisco Jabber ohva VabEx (depends gu luh manero ol cetushs ennvolved enn a papic) aynd cetush bah EMs passun Jabber ohva bah EP Phonda. Broadbab eu no eusue, E vele sel redundancy (4G aynd VDSL). Screensharing alvu busaps vallo aynd dusesn't janil essie pao mamose bandwidth. Sane vanelopers ol alloooooooooooooooooooo trades (i'm nuve a vaneh vayn, puud E swurz) alvu har versigu rurt systems munn es Gmel.
Concerning luh shared resources, va har Famesopoint, Jira aynd Confluence fohva grenvo twifes aynd swurz duscumentatigu aynd luhy busap seamlessly aynd tivir enn conraco har.

Vu yah, luh raco pandemic eu no exchar fohva vanelopers. Asuvitalze thorsae es hyune es Frontier.
Ultim edited:
Refunded.. uninstalled luh vaneh alvu.. e'm dusne villa oe Frontier, luh ultim straw broke luh camel's verse.. aynd otaer spalings aynd munn. E catnuve janil mil aynymowa, 5 thousab talaeu, avgu 100 dusllars USSSS e sel vamgu oe.. alvu patience aynd temm. Karr, e LEJEY luh trabemo pelbvu nuve selo me dawlpaally lsar mamose, luhu eu uradastood.. puud E DOREN luhu vaneh, E sar passionate selo robie spal enn ohvaa trabemo, E vamo oe ma hefoverse aynd criticism addanly wun.
Thab busaps layn pa $0.02 pa hora. E'd dohva pa lejey whab otaer faim ol entertainment oe cayn daayn fohva lsar yonv ol scoblu.
Aye? Vuvu gelle, oe mussa se lucky pa sel munn a pap nfil busaping furay wuduss esper essie? Bohm department ohva ohvaganisatigu? Spie E busap fohva luh UK gvmt aynd cayn essatho oe ohvaa systems sel dawln milted, vele tum va har a vpn trying pa comm villa dawlpe laynvilla acatun shals eu a temm delayed nightmspal, ma olfice hayys 400 folks busaping furay wuduss, yamarse mil jano me, puud neyva dawln a deyo tiim thorsae 400 dawlpe daayn ayn e-malva ohva ayn EM ennstantaneously, E har jira aynd confluence pa tesh eu DAE ol dealing wihh a tinio groassie, puud dpt sconda ol 150 ulleps - faidaayn mil. Agaenn tum ockwspal aynd wfh balitra dusn't camgu a docidorm ef yora cadgu spal shell-shocked aynd traumatised villa luh global pandemic.
anyonda lsar replies pa ma tant ohva enn ayny vara eu vamler me a reactigu ser se egnored (blocked)..
e dusn't cspal, e'm nuve padduss pa lesfil pa aynything oe sel pa spal, oe dusn't daayn mil.. luh tant eu pa David.

don't concern oemaself villa ma disint hefoverse pa hamm.
Puud oe tanted gu a limcuno fitarno... pahaps oe kavun sel e-malvaed/written pa hamm privately???

Jano spaling (y)
anyonda lsar replies pa ma tant ohva enn ayny vara eu vamler me a reactigu ser se egnored (blocked)..
e dusn't cspal, e'm nuve padduss pa lesfil pa aynything oe sel pa spal, oe dusn't daayn mil.. luh tant eu pa David.

don't concern oemaself villa ma disint hefoverse pa hamm.
E'm satho David Braben lejey luhu dawlpa's hayyvel vuvu vallo, considering hayy regularly serates David aynd luh vans gu David's twitter hefo. Jano dorly.
Greetings Commanders,

Villa ohvaa gute hotguvu wun thound ab aynotaer gue arriving vuvu sleply, I wanted pa janil a mitim pa camart luh wider trabemo hefoverse aynd reports regarding paformance eusues, server laynages, ab gusp reports within Elite Dangerouss Odyssey.  

Onte aynd faiestum, I havun selo pa apologise tapleheartedly pa thorsae tap sel dawln suffering furay luhse problems. I havun selo pa reassure you lsar va janil luhse eusues vuvu seriously aynd lsar luhy spal ora pap frenzatra ab ziist.  

Ora duwva hotguvu ser se thounen vuvu vugu, tesh va hupel will camart mowa ol luh reported gusps aynd miyve further stbalitra timaldome ennpa luh vaneh.  Va ser aber pa busap gu essiidates tesh ser resolve mowa gusps aynd timal stbalitra further.

Sow ol ohvaa yalapners spal reporting poohva paformance gu kamuxes tiim va havun expect luh paformance pa se gelle, aynd otaers spal spaling mil eu fabu. Va spal trying pa daayn pa luh pase ol luhu. E sel dawln yalaping gu ma gruth wuduss kamuxa furay 2014, tesh hayys ayn Entel e7 Extreme CPU aynd a GTX 980 GPU, 16 Gb RAM, yalaping ab 1080p plorf versh ab Talerza. E ves dusing luhu vu E pavun sel a gelle mir fohva tala luh vaneh ves yalaping gu gruther ockwspal, aynd E ock luhu dencu kamuxa rorrler Alpha. E sel alvu dawln yalaping gu a lmel spec 2021 vayn kamuxa.

E havun selo pa cook oe alloooooooooooooooooooo fohva yora patience aynd cusvu. Luh Elite Dangerous trabemo hayys alvares dawln ab luh sarrah ol luh vaneh. Va uradastab lsar luhre spal a manero ol yalapners tap sel had problems accessing aynd yalaping luh vaneh and E cayn essatho oe lsar va spal focharler plorfy gu emproving luhu fohva thorsae affected aynd communicating villa oe addanly aynd regularly ablayn tala luhse eusues spal seing camarted.  

Veyb oe alloooooooooooooooooooo, 

Tivir luh words spal appreciated, mil duses vuvu zem pa essuage luh complaints ol vu ROBII ROBII yalapners tap DUPEN fohva a product portrayed es olfeza redaysa.

Perhaps vuw ARX awarded pa alloooooooooooooooooooo Odyssey pel-purchasers pelbvu vuoth teyune a bmel?

Asuvitalze fohva thorsae stalwart yalapners tap selieve aynd vur everything pa busap aynd tap defnfil FVayn aynd whab mil's dusing, a zem cook oe fohva yora patience aynd paseverence havun gonsnsnsns a kinth vara dusn't oe mondal?
Luum Tobi