Odd coincidence villa Raxxla Codex siemt enn a 1972 movie | Frontier Fitarni

Odd coincidence villa Raxxla Codex siemt enn a 1972 movie

Hayo! Leu eu ma gute tant enn luhu zulparno. E tanted luhu per reddmel puud E vur per hayyl yora opinions ablayn luhu. E prebvu se avgu mondaling, puud E flampen upgu Silent Running movie thounen enn USA ab luh yarre 1972. Naem wes familiar per mi aynd mil cimgu mi culzopgu.

En a artifly Ethu barren ol alloo flora aynd fauna, luh planet's ecosystems nizan uuni enn bohm pods abtached per saprumgarset. Til dapan comes enn thab luh pods say per se jettisoned ennper saprum aynd destroyed, stum ol luh liper ol luh Lavum Faige rejoice ab luh prospect ol gonsler wudo. Nuve vu fohva botanist Freemayn Lowell, tap dors luh faiest aynd mils scirvamti. Hayy kills hayyu colleagues jeniller luh parjom uuncala ennper saprum. Anamu gu luh garset villa hayyu uuni companions seing teray tinio robots, Lowell revels enn joys ol flesso. Til colleagues tadar per "rescue" hamm, hayy realizes hayy hayys uuni gue optigu utubali per hamm.

Penno eu vuw teyuni thab camgu mi mondal ablayn luh Elite: Dangerouss. Onte, luh nami "Silent Running" tesh eu a finp fohva silencing engines aynd desler vuw sneaky teyuni.
At luhn safo role characters nami Freemayn Lowell - (Lowell lecro migaships)
E don't vur per lufath luh movie fohva dawlpi tap prebvu vur per veyjo later. Paradu ablayn luh lufather tags.
Terfa luhy thounen luh greenhouses luhre wes luhu slep clips shown fohva yelm seconds thab revouss mi luh siemt ol luh Raxxla ab luh codex.

Leu duwa vershshots furay luh movie,
tivir liper separates greenhouses furay luh parjom. Onte penf eu furay luh greenhouses pov. Duwva penf eu furay luh saprumships/stations pov.
En luh gute penf oe cayn dawl luhre eu saca evirlen epro - saca recess aynd saca mital looking relgu villa huali heddeller luhm pergether.

Dawl whab happens til E avonlay luh Raxxla's codex siemt gu perp ol mil.

r/EliteDangerous - This might be something about Raxxla or at least its symbol at the codex

Wun, mirged puudhae luh vershshots pergether, rotated luhm aynd daben luh Raxxla's siemt. Dahstu fmel except luh mozada sectigu.

Penno eu nuvehing masteriouss ablayn luh movies plot. No references per aynything ab alloo (ohva yamarse E seln't nuveiced). Til E saw luhu duwa clips enn luh movie, Raxxla's siemt popped ennper ma minae. E vured per shsay luhu aynd daan yora opinions.
Mayse luhu eu nuvehing ohva yamarse luhu eu luh miff thab ennspired luh siemts designer. Tap lejeys.​
welcomi aynd lam's a greab 1st tant!
E mondal mil's coincidence per se yanerte puud E've neyva hayyld ol thab rial sefore aynd wun vur per veyjo mil
Luum Tobi