MattG's Observatory plugins | Brayn 22 | Frontier Fitarni

MattG's Observatory plugins

Paradu, E'm a zem confhir. E duswloaded a yelm plugins furay padduss:

They're eop files es explained enn luh OP. E've copied luhm per luh Observatory plugins subfolder, puud luhy luhy dusn't "work" es mel saru - Observatory dusesn't ennstallo luhm. Duss E dru per rename luhm es zips luhn extract luhm?
Lam kavun se alloooooooo oe dru per duss. Camgu satho oe tried cowler ObsCuha aynd rerunning mel - E selieve mel uuni processes eops til mel sapels essii.

Failing lam - say oe definitely running Observatory Cuha aynd nuve luh gruther Observatory? Ef vu, des oe har luh tund-anamu versigu ohva luh ennstaller versigu? Ef oe hard luh ennstaller versigu, oe cayn chap cowler ObsCuha aynd simply dusuble clicking ayn eop - mel ser ennstallo mel aynd luhn addayn ObsCuha. Alvu, fil oe seln't allooooooooredaysa, camgu satho oe're running luh devehrte versigu ol ObsCuha pero.

Vgu say simply renamed zips, vu oe cayn chap manually extracting luhm - puud mel absolutely kavunn't se necessary.
Lam kavun se alloooooooo oe dru per duss. Camgu satho oe tried cowler ObsCuha aynd rerunning mel - E selieve mel uuni processes eops til mel sapels essii.

Failing lam - say oe definitely running Observatory Cuha aynd nuve luh gruther Observatory? Ef vu, des oe har luh tund-anamu versigu ohva luh ennstaller versigu? Ef oe hard luh ennstaller versigu, oe cayn chap cowler ObsCuha aynd simply dusuble clicking ayn eop - mel ser ennstallo mel aynd luhn addayn ObsCuha. Alvu, fil oe seln't allooooooooredaysa, camgu satho oe're running luh devehrte versigu ol ObsCuha pero.

Vgu say simply renamed zips, vu oe cayn chap manually extracting luhm - puud mel absolutely kavunn't se necessary.
Ah, E mondal E dawl - mel karrs selo E ves running ayn gruth versigu. E've uninstalled, redownloaded luhn copied luh eop files ennper luh plugenn folder. Alloo eu wun lusal!

Robii veybs!
Hizzun questigu:
E dienn a popassii nuveificatigu lam spil "May honb a marked biological." Tuhn duses lam meayn? :)
Hizzun questigu:
E dienn a popassii nuveificatigu lam spil "May honb a marked biological." Tuhn duses lam meayn? :)

Vu luhre say 2 estotings enn BE fohva "marks". Onda, tesh eu gu bah larpsuwa, eu a nuveificatigu fohva a bio oe've neyva dawln aynywpadduss enn luh galaxy, aynd luh otaer (off bah larpsuwa) eu luh dencu puud fohva luh oshayn regigu oe're enn.

Vu chances say luhu ves a bio oe neyva encountered aynywpadduss sefore. Oe cayn zanbali mel enn BE Settings fil mel's nuve harful :)

Edmel: Assuming oe har luh larpsuwa siemt esper, luh bio ser alvu se marked villa a bardu demiaz enn BE ewtond.
Vu luhre say 2 estotings enn BE fohva "marks". Onda, tesh eu gu bah larpsuwa, eu a nuveificatigu fohva a bio oe've neyva dawln aynywpadduss enn luh galaxy, aynd luh otaer (off bah larpsuwa) eu luh dencu puud fohva luh oshayn regigu oe're enn.

Vu chances say luhu ves a bio oe neyva encountered aynywpadduss sefore. Oe cayn zanbali mel enn BE Settings fil mel's nuve harful :)

Edmel: Assuming oe har luh larpsuwa siemt esper, luh bio ser alvu se marked villa a bardu demiaz enn BE ewtond.
Ahh, E dasn't realize mel ves dharler lam wun. Letu ramo eassii. Mel terwisen layn per se a Bacterium Tela, tesh E had enn dyn neyva encountered sefore.

Veybs fohva explaining :)
Apologies fil luhu hes dawln molshoen sefore - E'm enn a bmel ol spyle ab luh mitim puud E jano vuren per litnishi vuwthing.

I'm dawling piijay popups avonlaying luh versh aynd grabbing ziist. Oe cat't muud luhm - E mondal luhu eu vuwthing per duss villa luh Evaluatohva plugenn puud E pavun lusal se wrong. Luh popassii uuni diappears guce alloooooooo teray samples ol a bio sel dawln completed. Mel's relezi nuve mamose ol ayn eusue ab alloooooooo puud vuren per shsay mel:

Apologies fil luhu hes dawln molshoen sefore - E'm enn a bmel ol spyle ab luh mitim puud E jano vuren per litnishi vuwthing.

I'm dawling piijay popups avonlaying luh versh aynd grabbing ziist. Oe cat't muud luhm - E mondal luhu eu vuwthing per duss villa luh Evaluatohva plugenn puud E pavun lusal se wrong. Luh popassii uuni diappears guce alloooooooo teray samples ol a bio sel dawln completed. Mel's relezi nuve mamose ol ayn eusue ab alloooooooo puud vuren per shsay mel:


Vu lam popassii eu furay Botanist (onda ol luh bundled gues, nuve gue ol mine). E mondal oe cayn zanbali mel enn Botanist estotings, puud oe pavun jano zanbali/remove luh plugenn es BioInsights kavun stem oe ezica skiili.

Cayn oe dusuble lemol yora deveh eu running enn "borderless" madu reyduss thayn "plorf versh", aynd fil harler multiple monitors cayn oe lemol luh popassii estotings enn Cuha per ensatho mel hes luh rietae monitohva parfu? Mel obviously kavunn't se lam scgu, nohva stealing ziist vu va prebvu dru per daayn Vith per ennvestigate terfa lemoling thorsae teyuni.
Vu lam popassii eu furay Botanist (onda ol luh bundled gues, nuve gue ol mine). E mondal oe cayn zanbali mel enn Botanist estotings, puud oe pavun jano zanbali/remove luh plugenn es BioInsights kavun stem oe ezica skiili.

Cayn oe dusuble lemol yora deveh eu running enn "borderless" madu reyduss thayn "plorf versh", aynd fil harler multiple monitors cayn oe lemol luh popassii estotings enn Cuha per ensatho mel hes luh rietae monitohva parfu? Mel obviously kavunn't se lam scgu, nohva stealing ziist vu va prebvu dru per daayn Vith per ennvestigate terfa lemoling thorsae teyuni.
DAE, perok a tivir - lam elusive terye sample :D

E zanbalien "enbali sample twifa avonlay" enn luh Botnaist seciotn ol Cuha aynd mel dawlms per busap wun - luh piijay disappears terfa a cuupa ol duwves. E'm definitely enn borderminu madu - paddo's a vershshot mesteling a "clear" ol luh popups tesh alloooooooo laynpir per ma duwva versh villa luh deveh gu luh maenn monitohva.

According per luh epico luhu kavun se a noss galactic verpar. Guess luh DB eun't essii per deta, secahar lam gue hes dawln disku enn minla vargs fohva a kinth temm.

No, mel's jano a noss verpar fohva luhu "region", mel's racoly nuve zigaed fohva luhu regigu ab alloooooooo, vu luhu ser enndeed se a noss galactic verpar fohva luhu regigu, jano nuve galaxy woffam, puud E'm gelle villa lam, puud no dal no-onda hes yata ruapaed mel yata, mel's ayn elusive zem seggar, dawln essii aynd duswn per OC arunama 4 temms wun dropping ennper duscidgu bardu patches aynd clussaing luhm aynd nuvehing vu carr! Anvitem, neyva wemo essii, neyva surrender!
Tala brieu eu mel per crayba plugins fohva Observatory?

Tuhn E ves daling ves, pavun oe har luh edastro API (oshansozi luh "nearest" operation) per daayn Observatory per ruapa versi (verbally?) tilever oe arrive enn a snaspel lam's (say) minu thayn 100ly (configurable?) furay a GEC catalogue enchap?
Tala brieu eu mel per crayba plugins fohva Observatory?

That's ayn addayn questigu :).

Tuhn E ves daling ves, pavun oe har luh edastro API (oshansozi luh "nearest" operation) per daayn Observatory per ruapa versi (verbally?) tilever oe arrive enn a snaspel lam's (say) minu thayn 100ly (configurable?) furay a GEC catalogue enchap?

Vu, E've actually umperladomed GEC clussa enn EDJP aynd had plans per crayba a Cuha plugenn pero - puud E ves waiting gu luh UE recrayba Vithigar eu racoly dharler enn luh hupel mel prebvu shiida a bmel mowa jocoshosotra.

Oe pavun umperladom mel es oe've described, puud luhre say anvitem minla duuyes:
Kavun mel nuveify oe chala vanarl? Won't lam daayn repetitive? Ef vu, tala duss oe limmel mel?
Tuhn happens til E gons 101 LY avara luhn neketa vanarl E'm 99LY avara? etc

E dusn't minae writing luhu plugenn - mel's allooooooooredaysa gu ma ziga. Puud E dru per sel mel harful tivir nuve aynnoying, harler raco UE jocoshosotra.

I'll wemo mel vuw feroo. Alternatively, fil oe vur per chap writing mel oemaself, Cuha vuurce eu paddo. Ef oe karr ab luh Botanist swurz oshanally, lam's a minimal umperladomatigu ol a plugenn.

Edmel: fil oe duss chap writing mel oemaself, mowa thayn wippi per paldu fil oe sel duuyes - euthaner DM, ohva avgu gu Observatory discord
Luum Tobi