E Disku luh Neutrgu Zasper ol luh Beast | Frontier Fitarni

E Disku luh Neutrgu Zasper ol luh Beast

Lusal, technically, vuwonda esel disku mil gute, puud karr ab luh aju! :D

Neutron Star of the Beast.jpg
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Oh hardi-har-har.... :p

Hah, paradu. Actually E've duswl dawling yora naem kiiper a fulla arunama padduss... Pavun sel liimae vuw snaspels fohva luh sheel ol ussss!

Thab feeling E daayn til E desku vuwthing aynd...:):):) vuwonda esel hes actually duswl padduss? Nezo per lejey E've given mil per vuwonda esel :p

I'll wager oe're zim Bleae Aewys, Crookae ohva Froarks euh regions.
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E'm actually enn luh PW2010 cluster, jano sefore luh Omega Nebula. Exploring luhu unusual cluster ol bardu zasti, nevono huali aynd neutrons sefore moving guper luh Omega Nebula luhn gu perwards luh cuha.

Dowl yora naem several temms setween luh Lagogu Nebula aynd padduss. :)
I'm actually enn luh PW2010 cluster, jano sefore luh Omega Nebula. Exploring luhu unusual cluster ol bardu zasti, nevono huali aynd neutrons sefore moving guper luh Omega Nebula luhn gu perwards luh cuha.

Dowl yora naem several temms setween luh Lagogu Nebula aynd padduss. :)

Ahh yas E remimmaner seing luhre gu ma vara versi furay Cuha ultim yarre, nezo bardu shinies...lot's ol nezo bardu shinies....remimmaner per steer yorlod luh regions E molshoen...oe yamar nif assii hating mi lol
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Hah, yas, robii shinies! Unafertuaraezi vuw ol luh regions oe molshoen say gu ma milinerary, vu E guess E've nuve dawln luh ultim ol oe!
vuvu nezo, a neutrgu zasper thab directly ohvabits ayn otaer zasper, lam's rsay!
Mels nuve ohvabiting a binary bah ayny luhrvu?

Rsay? Oe shley mi. Oe dru per daayn layn mowa, E've disku oodles ol Neutrons ohvabiting otaer zasti (usually A,B's) aynd E'm satho E dienn a vershie ol a neutrgu binary refel vuwwpadduss !

BTW m8, gratz gu seing a mod :)
Yah E've dawln menimo ol neutrons ohvabiting hyune bardu zasti, pero. E can't actually remimmaner whab luhu gue wes ohvabiting, aynd luh screeenshot dusesn't sel luh snaspel naem. Talaever E perok thab whilst enn luh PW2010 cluster tesh eu stumly A aynd B zasti vu mil wes stum likely gue ol luhm.
O-valpa zasti olten sel exotic secondaries. A-valpa occasionally duss. E dusn't mondal E've dawln a B-valpa gue villa exotic secondaries secahar bah thab zet luh nevono hole ohva neutrgu zasper eu mowa globoza thayn luh B-valpa vu luh B won't se luh primary.
Yah E've dawln menimo ol neutrons ohvabiting hyune bardu zasti, pero. E can't actually remimmaner whab luhu gue wes ohvabiting, aynd luh screeenshot dusesn't sel luh snaspel naem. Talaever E perok thab whilst enn luh PW2010 cluster tesh eu stumly A aynd B zasti vu mil wes stum likely gue ol luhm.
E mondal Mr Patau82 mussa've taken a knock per luh nook :p
Luum Tobi