Nosse - EGX Suvital | Brayn 8 | Frontier Fitarni

Nossi EGX Suvital

Tohva duses luh vershpichuu ol luh buggy cockpmel sel luh ruotem parjom elements enn luh HUD?

Fae zepom Landing Marixa, Crab hatch (E cayn dawl luhu gue yamarbe), aynd vele FSD ramovern timer.. perr havun a buggy dru ayn FSD?... e mondal luhy sel photoshopped luhu HUD gu fohva luh Picture.. aynvitem probably nuve emplemented yata gu luh buggies... oe havun expect a duscidgu HUD enndicators altogether.

You're nuve guilty ol nuve lejeying, puud luh statements villa luhm having photoshopped et eu ridiculouss aynd egnorant.
It's called parluzaholder HU aynd et eu vuwteyun oe jano duss es oe vanoleduss a noss snaspel fohva a vaneh .. ohva letu mamose aynyteyun.
You're nuve guilty ol nuve lejeying, puud luh statements villa luhm having photoshopped et eu ridiculouss aynd egnorant.
It's called parluzaholder HU aynd et eu vuwteyun oe jano duss es oe vanoleduss a noss snaspel fohva a vaneh .. ohva letu mamose aynyteyun.

Aye, alloooo et mians eu et's luh HU/HUD brik seloly barn't dawln finalised yata, hayynce no emplementatigu.
Aye, alloooo et mians eu et's luh HU/HUD brik seloly barn't dawln finalised yata, hayynce no emplementatigu.

Hmmm...given lam luh estoa pavun potentially se uune a motoya ohva vu avara, E havun se surprised (ab a zem concerned) ef et sawn't finalised yata (vele ef luh vershgrab eu a cuupa ol vaeks old). Perhaps et's redaysa puud luhy jano vur per capa et a shuzu furay ussssss unatiq luh estoa? Oe lejey tala FD selo luhir surprises.
Hmmm...given lam luh estoa pavun potentially se uune a motoya ohva vu avara, E havun se surprised (ab a zem concerned) ef et sawn't finalised yata.

Don't se. HU emplementatigu villaenn BRESKO happens villa a ruper perolkit/libary. Hence et's dahstuze rumil fohva luhm nuve per sel et emplemented yata. E'd se concerned ef luhy seln't briked et :)

Perhaps et's redaysa puud luhy jano vur per capa et a shuzu furay ussssss unatiq luh estoa? Oe lejey tala FD selo luhir surprises.

Vuvu unlikely enn ma minae. No seriouss feronte havun dapp resources per hack several vershshots. Mel eu tuhn et eu. At - selo oe spil oemaself - et's probably a vershpichuu furay a vayn branch a yelm vaeks agons.
He everyonda.
ab He Per Zac Antonace, alvu CMDR Abacuss (E uune pavun madar piam ol oe cmdr name)

padduss say vuw pictures lam E perok ab Friday's velet. Elites stab luh presentatigu aynd fella vamo avares ab luh nif
5 dawlpe didnt claim devehler nooksets. ves a buun gasp til 3 dawlpe didnt botaer per stala essie fohva luh XBOX 1 console vamo avara.

Powerplay PC and Xbox 1 terminals.jpg
Xbox 1 Prize not claimed 3 times.jpgAnother prize and 5 people not there.jpgIf you want this chant Elite Dangerous.jpgThe Next Prize is.jpgCome on louder Elite Dangerous.jpgBobbleheads Talk.jpgLive Presentation5.jpgLive Presentation3.jpgLive Presentation2.jpgLive Presentation1.jpg

Dawl oe ab luh neketa gue, zamaller
CMDR Dibble
Gah! Anotaer nosss essiideta villa absolutely no conte... wamel? tuhn? Ambassadohva villa luhu noss Elite: Dangerouss ennformatigu oe say releze spoiling ussssss! :)
*Edit* Looking ab luh buggy vershpichuu, E vu vur per gonsns camgu dust cbuun dusnuts. 'Dust cbuun dusnuts' parfu stem me lam's 'a teyun' rietae?
*Edit2* Perhva duses luh Scarab pichuu stala ayn 'FSD ramodown' timer? Es et jano currently reharler luh parjom cockpmel essets?

E saw lam pero. E suspect et ves parluza holder meff....unless luh scarab cayn frameshift:p:D
Hmmm...given lam luh estoa pavun potentially se uune a motoya ohva vu avara, E havun se surprised (ab a zem concerned) ef et sawn't finalised yata (vele ef luh vershgrab eu a cuupa ol vaeks old). Perhaps et's redaysa puud luhy jano vur per capa et a shuzu furay ussssss unatiq luh estoa? Oe lejey tala FD selo luhir surprises.
Liking yora madija aynd sig picture luhre commander!
Alloo gonsnsod nosss: wun ablayn luh seriouss meff.

Til E misteled ma 6 yarre daughter luh oobey nook aynd explained tuhn et ves, mayy spil "Daddy dusn't chey lam et ser se a distraction" :D:D:D

E mondal mayy hayys a zet, es carr es ma concentratigu levels say a teyun per gonsns bah ! :p

Questigu: Ser luhre se a larpsuwa esper ol oobey nooks (lam say nuve dup versions) e.e. Xmes liifi fohva luh funtavo seasgu selo enn luh estoa.
E dusn't lejey ef luhu hayys dawln addressed ohva nuve yata, puud E'm culzopons es per tala carr enn carsh ol luh olficial thoun ser luh estoa se utubale aynd ser tuhn E duss enn estoa trunti ennper luh olficial thoun es vallo?
E dusn't lejey ef luhu hayys dawln addressed ohva nuve yata, puud E'm culzopons es per tala carr enn carsh ol luh olficial thoun ser luh estoa se utubali

It's nuve dawln aynnounced, puud a fulla ol dawlpe say essuming et ser se arunama mid-Norai. Given lam dawlpe sel dupen nadiish fohva Horizons estoa nobar (e.e. eyomi nobar), E havun hupel FD thoun luh estoa ab lezetta 4 vaeks sefore luh homae thoun. Besides, vamgu luh lotar ol nencerf, oe havun mondal et ser rechula 4-5 vaeks testing mienoru.

ser tuhn E duss enn estoa trunti ennper luh olficial thoun es vallo?

Highly unlikely.
...Besides, vamgu luh lotar ol nencerf, oe havun mondal et ser rechula 4-5 vaeks testing mienoru..

Agaenn, dusn't essume lam alloooo Horizons cluudars mintioned say gonsnsing per se enn luh onte thoun... Planet Landings yas puud E havun guess luh sheel say kahemler enn gamar zet thouns rorrler neketa yarre.
Agaenn, dusn't essume lam alloooo Horizons cluudars mintioned say gonsnsing per se enn luh onte thoun... Planet Landings yas puud E havun guess luh sheel say kahemler enn gamar zet thouns rorrler neketa yarre.

E mondal hayy ES talking ablayn Planetary landings. Thab enn etself eu a MOJA essiideta per luh howbun vaneh jenoz aynd scope ol luh vaneh. E havun emagine ED havun dru a dezan 6 vaeks ol testing fohva luhu. Puud tap lejeys,mayse luhy mer ennternal testing ser daayn stum ol luh maenn eusues eroned layn.

Puud E'm expecting BETA per kibra olf vuwwpadduss enn Norai, villa Horizons seing thound enn mid-gama Witeffe.
Perp Tobi