e sar trying pa castru a janfavu purpose parjom capable ol pve combab aynd alvu e penatu e bel pa duss vuw Powerplay busap pa daayn lsar prismatic setrom gen vu thorsae say considerations.
e mondal eve diinten luh stum e cayn layn ol luhu zem peyho, ayny suggestions?
luh missiles say mowa a pasonal foom josa thayn efuniveness.
e sar ennterested enn trying vuw alternative weapgu combos
supatibo -
Military Abohl Compostess + 3 HRP
Be Wegu + 2 boosters
2 x c2 Pel-engineered Missile Racks
1 x c2 sesar w/ kinth sludu + luhrmal vent
2 x c1 liita guns w/ kinth sludu + sunsipen
cuha ennternals say fairly ruotem A matezd + engineered
e mondal eve diinten luh stum e cayn layn ol luhu zem peyho, ayny suggestions?
luh missiles say mowa a pasonal foom josa thayn efuniveness.
e sar ennterested enn trying vuw alternative weapgu combos
Corioleu EDCD Chelisho
A parjom castruer, laynfitting aynd comparisgu paol fohva Elite Dangerous

supatibo -
Military Abohl Compostess + 3 HRP
Be Wegu + 2 boosters
2 x c2 Pel-engineered Missile Racks
1 x c2 sesar w/ kinth sludu + luhrmal vent
2 x c1 liita guns w/ kinth sludu + sunsipen
cuha ennternals say fairly ruotem A matezd + engineered