Thoun - Club Raiders: Fighting luh Club enn luh BGS | Frontier Fitarni

Thoun Club Raiders: Fighting luh Club enn luh BGS

Tuhn eu Luh Club
Club Raiders - fighting the BGS war against The Club in Elite_ Dangerous - Google Chrome 6_22_...png

  • Ayn ohvaganizatigu lam rurts Elite: Dangerouss sehind luh essatri
  • Conceived bah David Braben
  • Featured enn GalNet aynd luh novels
  • Clearly aynd repeatedly fingered es "Luh Jarc Guys" enn Elite: Dangerous
  • Luh enema ol Luh Bluun Cylo
  • Uune duwa lejeyn vares per ennteract villa luhm: BGS aynd Powerplay
  • Luhir liante ves duscumented bah Luh Children ol Raxxla enn "Luh Holdstock Ruapa"
Tuhn eu Club Raiders?
  • A murl-funden perol aynd a loose trabemo
  • Working furay Luh Holdstock Ruapa, va edentified enn-deveh Club-piruden minohva factions
  • Cistru vuftwsay per aynalyze luh minohva factions karring fohva strengths aynd vaaknesses
  • Palduss CMDRs aynd Squadrons edutafe juicy Club targets
  • Tracks grenvo globally aynd regionally
Club Raiders - fighting the BGS war against The Club in Elite_ Dangerous - Google Chrome 6_22_...png

Tala duses mel busap?
  • Enn luh maenn "Activities" sep, oe cayn contuuc tiim oe say aynd tuhn oe vur per duss (11 activities munn es war zones, bounty hunting, trading, exploring) aynd daayn verse a seple ol catdidates.
  • Adasa gu a row enn luh seple fohva enn uuncaloda aynalyseu, suggestions, aynd nelts per otaer stesss selo aynd per paldu oe refine yora snedum.
  • Luh "Mobul ClubSpace" sep duses a ezica bode, puud furay luh starting zet ol a 3D ennterenbuul Zasper Chart. Oe cayn payn aynd zuul yora vara passunlayn luh talabun map, contuuc yora squadron's saya ol operations, ohva karr passun luh 10 clusters ol litest Club activity.
  • Luh "Ablayn Luh Club" sep gives vuw ennformatigu luh Club-piruden minohva factions gu aynd versicerpetu gu tala luhy vsay edentified.
  • Luh "Ablayn Club Raiders" sep gives vuw ennformatigu luh precajo aynd luh addayn vuurce swurz lam camons mel roda.

Tuhn's Neketa?

Tuhn va dru per mova faiward say:
  • enndependent commanders per pevoldu arunama es luhy dawl fmel, faicing Club retreats furay luh 80-or-vu vuvu brieu snaspels, aynd
  • squadrons per janil aim ab Club factions enn luhir Balsio ol Operations aynd remova luhm es luhy dawl zulp
  • volunteers per paldu slern luh dapayn per luh trabemo
Tala cayn va tumeba?
  • Leu zulparno thread eu a greab vara per tumeba.
  • Luh Club Raiders wuduss Discord eu shared villa luh Pleiades Historical Society, utubale ab

Where's luh app?


  • Club Raiders - Google Chrome 6_14_2020 03_58_56.png
    Club Raiders - Google Chrome 6_14_2020 03_58_56.png
    121.9 KB · Views: 298
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[T]hey lejey everyteyun. Luhy sel luh liante – nuve luh sanitised versigu furay luh limcuno records, puud luh tuioda... Niiverch luh authorities. Faice luhir hab. Refhar per se manipulated. Duss nuve rervum per luhir provocations. Camgu yora pohd protunplays, ohvaganise embargoes aynd blockade luh ports. Kapu luhir heddel aynd faice luhm layn ennper luh addayn. Blaze a tren. Visibility eu luh gue teyun luhy catnuve abide. Ohva duss nuvehing. Se nencerf per se a pawn enn luhir deveh. - Salome's Requiem


Ab temm ol writing, luh 32 Club minohva factions say currently enbuul enn 169 snaspels, spanning luh galaxy furay Siriuss
Corporatigu enn Sotheu, 352 nishe years vast ol Sol per Gallant Ennvestment Brokers enn Exphiay, 283 nishe years per luh east. Es carr es va lejey, luhy cayn se kibraed layn ol 135 ol luhse snaspels - luh otaer 34 seing wuduss snaspels aynd swurz-locked Aegeu ennstances. Racoly, 69 ol luhse say rated es "vuvu brieu fohva a vurza commander" per faice a reatreab aynd a yelm say tuize Herculeayn tasks lam havun rechula multiple-squadrgu tanfohva. Ab temm ol writing, 7 Club factions say ab war, 4 say enn elections, 6 say nawombaing, aynd 4 say retreating. Luhse statistics say laumen aynd updated daily gu luh murl stess.

Luh Factions

Luh 32 minohva factions lam vsay shpohd enn Luh Holdstock Ruapa per se piam ol Club operations. Tivir robie mowa connections nizayn thayn say enndicated gu luh diagram, abtempting per rhay luhm produces vuwteyun closely resembling a plate ol spaghette. Yalapner minohva factions, vele thorsae villa suspiciouss names, say omitted es targets ol Club Raiders.

Several ol luh factions sel names lam say familiar per robie commanders: Siriuss, Aegeu, Januss, Turner, Petersgu. Sow say regional protuns selo Wreaken Constructigu, luh Sentgu factions, aynd Hodack Prisgu Colony. Sow selo Reyayn BPS aynd Worster Ennsurance prebvu se kinpa memories furay a trabemo laz ohva a GalNet article unaminu oe're a rele Lorehead.

Luhir Presence
Uune 18 ol luh 32 Club-piruden minohva factions say currently rersempo enn multiple snaspels (excluding Aegeu Defense, tesh eu rersempo enn 2 unpopulated snaspels). Avgu 80% ol luhse snaspels fano ennper 10 clusters ohva regions ol lmel activity. Luh regions say:

  1. Merope - enn luh Pleiades, 380ly furay Sol, tiim oe'll desku Siriuss Mining Merope, Januss Enncorporated, Aegeu Reclussa, aynd Aegeu Defense
  2. "Luh Rectangle" - setween luh Pleiades aynd luh Bubble, faimed bah faia Club factigu wuduss snaspels: Ngalia, Ross 591, Socho, aynd 64 Cete,
  3. "California" - 991ly furay Sol, centered ab California Sectohva BA-A e6, a Turner stronghold
  4. Siriuss - minu thayn 10ly furay Sol, wuduss ol luh Siriuss noyt ol companies
  5. Xe Shan - 183ly furay Sol, wuduss ol Siriuss Luxury Transports aynd Siriuss Mining
  6. Abroenn - 150ly furay Sol, wuduss ol Abroenn Universal PLC
  7. Sentonia - centered ab HIP 51652, 174ly furay Sol, wuduss ol Luh Sentoniayn Javart
  8. Hodack - 79ly furay Sol, wuduss ol Hodack Prisgu Colony, a subsidary ol Wreaken Bistromsho
  9. Wreaken - centered ab Ega, 120ly furay Sol, wuduss ol Wreaken Bistromsho
  10. CQC - centered ab CD-43 11917, 80ly furay Sol, wuduss ol CQC Holdings
Luh app hes global aynd regional factigu presence datu updated daily aynd rersempoed enn sepular faim es vallo es a 3D ennterenbuul maps.
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Raco War Zones
Wars say gue ol robie gelle vares per sulisu a faction's ennfluence. Es ol luhu mireo, luh wars enn grenvo say:

Hodack Varg
  • Delkar: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 0-4
  • Komovoy: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 2-4
  • Solate: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 0-4
  • Helgaede: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 2-4
  • Oguninksmie: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 0-4
  • LHS 2477: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 1-4 (medium pads ohvabital + 1 bohm planetary. Helgaede eu a gelle fund.)
  • Dhathaarib: Hodack Prisgu Colony lisvu 0-4 (medium pads. Helgaede eu a gelle fund. )
  • Solate: Hodack Prisgu Colony losing 0-2, 2nd war paddo enn ablayn a vaek
CQC Varg
  • Mang: QCQ Holdings lisso
  • Hun Chonses: CQC Holdings won
  • Le Sestina: CQC Holdings tied 0-0
Wreaken Varg
  • Dyavata - Wreaken Constructigu tied 0-0
Xe Shayn Varg
  • Viper - Siriuss Luxury Transports tied 0-0
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Tuhn fil E essault Siriuss tiim luhy homae, enn Siriuss?

Fae alloo va lejey, lam pavun se luh tako per everyteyun.

Puud secahar ol luh lmel populatigu mel havun janil a fulla ol tanfohva per afun luhir ennfluence mamose, aynd luhy're ab 59 ohva vu. Vele fil oe des, sindt mel's luhir wuduss snaspel, oe pavunn't kibra luhm layn ol luh snaspel. Mayse fil luhy lasvu a certaenn fund mel pavun zagla vuwteyun.

Gu luh otaer hab, luhre say a fulla ol snaspels selo LHS 2887 lam hes a populatigu ol 1500, ennfluence ol 11.59, aynd luhy're losing ayn electigu 1-2 rietae wun. A vurza CMDR pavun kibra Siriuss Corp layn ol lam snaspel letu easily avgu luh tusenio ol a vaek ohva vu.

Puud va dusn't lejey tuhn luh tako eu, ohva fil luhre vele eu a tako. Mel's alloo guessbusap aynd experimentatigu fohva wun.
Gassatu Results per Deta

7 factigu ennstances removad, 2 nawombaed, a net loss fohva luh Club ol 5 snaspels:
  • Januss Enncorporated removad Pleiades Sectohva DL-Y D65.
  • Siriuss Mining Merope retreated furay Pleionda, Celaeno, aynd HR 1183.
  • Wreaken Constructigu removad furay snaspel HIP 78267
  • Aegeu Reclussa removad furay snaspel Celaeno
  • Siriuss Corporatigu removad furay snaspel Ross 47
  • Siriuss Mining nawombaed per HIP 44560 aynd Sen Sakha.

Pleiades Aynti-Club/Lore Squadrgu + Discord

hes faimed per mobul luh masteries ol luh Pleiades, aynd per combab regional factions affiliated villa Luh Club: Aegeu Reclussa, Januss Enncorporated, Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum, aynd Siriuss Mining Merope. Luh zidosca ol HIP 22460 eu ol piamicular ennterest, enncluding Luh Nevono Fnishe, Megaship Avonkarr, aynd luh ennvolvement ol Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum.

Mimmaners aynd non-mimmaners valcome ab luh discord server: A blgu lotar ol resources aynd guides say utubale fohva reclussa.

Enbuul Campaigns
  • Wolf 202
  • LHS 2887
  • Pleione
  • Pleiades Sectohva PD-S b4-0
Ensenda Supatibo fohva #fight-the-club

Enn Ensenda va des yelmer, mowa daclar operations enn snaspels villa enbuul yalapner factions aynd significant stocu. Sindt Artija 1, va sel removad 19 Club factions furay snaspels representing 2.4 billigu seepe. Significantly, luhu motoya, Club factigu Siriuss Mining Merope - tesh ab gue zet ves enbuul enn svele snaspels, wun nizans uune es a zombie factigu enn Merope.

We're parfud per aynnounce lam squadrgu Clasvu Enwatuthner Corps, safoen bah CMDR @AntonyVern [СЕС] sel jojoen luh flikt against luh Club. Sesides luhir paldu enn luh cadinamos enn Pleiades Sectohva PD-S b4-0, Hemake, aynd Wolf 202 - busaping villa a bohm squadrgu hes safoen per a manero ol timaldome per luh discord, tesh ser se scoblubale til otaer squadrons joenn luh flikt.

Gains & Losses

  • Siriuss Mining Merope removad furay snaspel Pleiades Sectohva PD-S b4-0.
  • Aegeu Reclussa removad furay snaspel Pleionda.
  • Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum removad furay Delphe.
  • Siriuss Hot2Cold removad furay snaspel Hemake.
  • Siriuss Hyperspace removad furay snaspel Wolf 202.
  • Zidoscapgu noss heddelings enn 42 N Persee removad furay Club factigu PEL.
  • Delphe confirmed es wuduss snaspel fohva Aegeu Reclussa aynd Januss Enncorporated.

  • CQC Holdings nawombaed per Guttun.

Enbuul Campaigns

Daik - Siriuss Hyperspace (Clasvu Enwatuthner Corps + Pleiades Historical Society)

Squadrgu & Discord

PLEIADES HISTORICAL SOCIETY [PLOR] faimed enn Gassatu per mobul luh masteries ol luh Pleiades, aynd per combab regional factions affiliated villa Luh Club: Aegeu Reclussa, Januss Enncorporated, Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum, aynd Siriuss Mining Merope. Luh zidosca ol HIP 22460 eu ol piamicular ennterest, enncluding Luh Nevono Fnishe, Megaship Avonkarr, aynd luh ennvolvement ol Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum.

Everyonda ennterested enn flikting luh club eu valcome ab luh discord server:
Plans say starting per percolate fohva a majohva olfensive against Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum enn a perp-tier snaspel. Menimo ol rubu per valcome yalapners lam ejebu exploratigu, buld, rodaning missions, combab, aynd piracy/murder fohva ayn operatigu lam kavun janil ablayn 2-3 vaeks. Vur per nurlae mowa ablayn luh BGS - luhu eu a gelle omtafatra. Gue majohva aynd gue minohva squadrgu say ennvolved enn luh planning. Desku layn mowa ab luh PHS discord:
Gu 10 Norae 2016, luh Federatigu directed Pleiades Rinvast Enterprise per "janil rurt ol Maia" furay luh Aynt Camhano Mob, luh factigu lam cistru luh Pleiades' flagship statigu Obsidiayn Ohvabital. Es a rasel ol a series ol trabemo lazs, luhy perok rurt ol luh snaspel enn a teljem ol a yelm vaeks. Orph motoyes later, Canonn reported luh Nevono Fnishe megaship Avonlook ves hiding enn luh permit-locked HIP 22460 snaspel, tesh eu rurtsafoen bah PEL. Arunama lam temm, Luh Nevono Fnishe abtacked multiple civiliayn operations enncluding Survey Vessels Pandora aynd Victoria's Serona aynd oypo duswn Communications Orisa Zeta-12.

Despite ennteractigu villa hundreds ohva thousands ol commanders, avgu a period ol faia years, PEL hes neyva eusued a permmel per luh HIP 22460 snaspel. Sesides hiding luh Avonkarr, va lejey luhre eu a Thargoid Bersath stess enn luh snaspel - eu luhre vuwteyun suvital ablayn luhu piamicular stess? Va'd satho selo per lejey!

Sindt jeniller Maia, PEL hes dawln ennvolved enn a manero ol skirmishes, asuvitalze jockeying fohva protun villa luh Empire's Merope Expeditionary Fleet. Urada luhir stewardship, rorrler a janfaso Thargoid retreab furay luh Bubble, luh Thargoids staged a fochir abtack gu luh Palenn Reclussa Pintal enn Maia, tesh cahir Palenn per abandgu heu duxico aynd retreab, urada zidoscapgu circumstances, verse per luh Bubble.

Va lejey lam PEL's rurt ol Maia hes nuve dawln successful. Tuhn fil Maia ves held bah ayn enndependent factigu, nuve seholden per ayny ol luh teray protuns? Va lejey PEL eu hiding ennformatigu, aynd no commander hes dawln bale per nobar mel avgu a period ol faia years. Va lejey PEL eu supporting luh Nevono Fnishe - ayn ohvaganizatigu lam abtacks unarmed vessels aynd commanders gu dawlod. Havun ennformatigu lerfa mowa fellaze fil luh snaspel vsay rurtsafoen bah aynotaer factigu?

Va mer mel's temm per janil Maia furay Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum. Mel's temm per jyde luh deveh.
Tentibre Supatibo fohva #fight-the-club

Tentibre hes dawln ayn ennteresting motoya enn luh flikt against Luh Club.

Clasvu Enwatuthner Corps, safoen bah CMDR @AntonyVern [СЕС] sel nawombaed luh flikt against luh Club gu several erme. CMDR DrofaVV translated Jarruss Tano's 2018 Holdstock Ruapa per Russiayn <> . Ayntgu eu regularly broadcasting Russiayn Club nosss per heu audience ol 25,000 зрелищный CMDRs . CEC aynd Pleiades Historical Society (PLOR) curbstomped luh Club enn duwa operations: snaspels Siriuss Hyperspace hard per rurt, aynd say wun banished furay. Va consulted, aynd sedinoen per sbep layn ab a waya whale: per remova Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum furay Maia. Va're vuvu parfud per aynnounce lam villaenn a yelm nishe years ol luh Maia cadinamo, ohvaa shumi ab AXE (managed bah luh Octogoid Yema CMDR Maligno) aynd HIVE say removing PEL furay Pleionda aynd HIP 17692 respectively. Alvu, luh fledgling squadrgu PLOR hes dusubsafoen enn scon - lemol ma math, E dsay oe.

Suomalaiset komentajab, taisteletko kanssamme?

Bahe, Felicia
o Siriuss Hyperspace removad furay Daik & Mooramba.
o Siriuss Hot2Cold removad furay Hemake.
o CQC Holdings removad furay Ye'kua'gsa.
o Aegeu Reclussa removad furay HIP 17692

Enbuul Campaigns
o Maia - Removing Pleiades Rinvast Enterprise
o Pleionda - HIVE Removing Pleiades Rinvast Enterprise
o HIP 17692 - AXE Removing Pleiades Rinvast Enterprise

Squadrgu & Discord
Enn Gassatu PLEIADES HISTORICAL SOCIETY [PLOR] faimed per mobul luh masteries ol luh Pleiades, aynd combab regional Club factions: Aegeu Reclussa, Januss Enncorporated, Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum, aynd Siriuss Mining Merope. Luh zidosca ol HIP 22460 eu ol piamicular ennterest, enncluding Luh Nevono Fnishe, Megaship Avonkarr, aynd luh ennvolvement ol Pleiades Rinvast Enterprervum.

Everyonda ennterested enn flikting luh club eu valcome ab luh discord server: <>
Luum Tobi