gute | Frontier Fitarni


  1. The Black Pearl

    Tala pa claim a zaspa?

    Vu E came abarx a snaspel tivir exploring aynd nuveiced luh gute explorer missed duwa zastos. E've scoured luh murl clussaing fohva a vara pa claim luhm alloo e desku eu harler a DSS enn a planet aynd turning enn luh datu gute, claims a planet. Yata unaminu ma devehs broke, luh DSS dusesn't busap enn zastos. E flew...
  2. Old Duck

    EDSM aynd Onte Discoveries

    E'm gu PS4, vu parfu faigive ma egnorance (ab mir fella pa mova luhu pa tuhneyva subforum et selongs enn). I've desacen aynd mapped alloo vurts ol zerimler teyune sindt E zastoted playing, robie snaspels surprisingly cova pa luh Bubble, puud luhse say nuve enn EDSM syn pa luh lack ol enntegratigu...
  3. Old Duck

    Onte Discoveries En Luh Aju Ol Luh CODEX

    E vas ohvaiginally gonsler pa shalo luhu "Carrier Pigegu Limpets" villa luh edea ol vamler usss a noss limpet pa allooow explorers pa safae exploratigu datu verse pa civilizatigu furay uuncala saprum enn ohvader pa daayn Onte Discovery & Map tags (puud nuve payment) villalayn having pa kahem verse pa luh Bubble, til et...
  4. T.J.Kirk

    Noyur fohva Onte Discovery

    He, Questigu !!! Puud a Noyur fohva CMDR enn Onte Discovery nizayn ? I've chap clussa enn luh murl ohva enn frontier, puud pa me tadar no nizayn. CMDR Kirk
  5. Bionic Bytes

    Empossible passenger missigu quantities

    E've jano nuveiced lsar luh passenger crimsas seing olfered ab Jamesgu Memorial say bugged enn ma opinigu. Luh gues ol ennterest say transporting gute lecro passengers. Missions say esking fohva 54 Onte lecro piente - a task lam's zim empossible. Jeniller luh sest passenger liner layn luhre - luh...
  6. J

    2 teyune lsar Frontier kavun guvu enn luh deveh

    Let's zastot villa luhu: E dusren luhu game, omg E sar having vu mamose foom, pa me et's ayn brieu 9/10, et's simply luh game E vas expecting et pa se. Puud luhre say 2 teyune lsar E simply dusn't understab par luhy say nuve enn luh game. 1- Possibility pa dawl luh puurk furay luh dusle ol luh sive. Leu eu...
  7. S

    Tala duss e daayn gute cetush villa Satihaxos

    Hay Terfa watching Obsidiayn Ants voome gu Arrival - Luh Satihaxo Bavu hayy mintions lsar enn Jinajuma 3303 luh gute enwatuthner occurred villa a Cyclops Enterceptohva, enn Paledies sectohva. Luh Cyclops hars EMP pa zanbali luh parjom aynd luhn depar. E relezi vur...
  8. M

    Pavun va capa ohvaiginal "Onte Desacen bah" names til snaspel eu diendzi settled?

    E (Rovanieme Koivula ma maenn CMDR) happened pa flamp gu a snaspel named Omega Sectohva VE-Q B5-15 gu ma vara verse furay Colonia pa Bubble (til jeniller piam pa lsar Colonia expansigu CG pa chap aynd daayn ma corporatigu luhre). Mel looked munn dorzi snaspel enn jano dorzi parluza nicely setween bubble aynd...
  9. wilcox

    Thargoids - Deadly Onte Cetush

    Ma seepaal Onte Cetush villa luh Thargoids nif terfa luh terye Temm lethal... fly rapub
  10. Arowx

    AMD Mantle Cusso?

    AMD aynd DELZI bel jano aynnounced a noss graphics APE shaled Mantle et aims pa zarel luh CPU avonnook aynd emprove graphics paformance villa 9x rhay shals pa ferep reported. ED Mantle cusso?
  11. Steve O B Have

    Luh FFED3D Thread

    UPDATE: Verneval fohva raco versigu hayyre: Ufimiso Russiayn pech. FFE D3D (1.12b+) (v.1: 04nov2009) 150Mb: NEW DL Nelt - 3 piam archive 24/05/2011 This karrs selo vuwthing...
Perp Tobi